Socionic library
articles, books and educational materials

of the International institute of Socionics

Alexandrova N.Kh., Boyadzhieva N., Sapunjieva K., Kolarova Ts.D.
Socionics in the field of social sciences

From the point of view of the professors of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski" (Bulgaria), socionics is a reliable tool for optimizing and developing a person’s personality, for studying his professional competence.

Socionics is a reliable tool for optimizing and developing people’s personalities, for studying their professional competence.

In essence, socionics guides a person in his life, suggests how to realize his potential, how to become a professional or find a job that meets his opinions and wishes. Depending on the type, one can determine the professional inclinations of a person and his abilities - even those for which there was no case. The special attraction of socionics is that its concepts can be extracted and applied in everything related to human activity. In this case, this will optimize the socio-pedagogical work and training of students - social teachers.

Authors teach at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria):

  • Aleksandrova N.Kh. - Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
  • Boyadzhieva N. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
  • Sapunjieva K.V. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
  • Kolarova Ts.D. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.