Socionic library
articles, books and educational materials

of the International institute of Socionics

Kalmykov V.N.

The textbook for higher education “Philosophy” defines what socionics is as follows: Socionics is the science of human capabilities and human relationships.

Since the 70s. Socionics is developing in the 20th century - the science of human capabilities and human relationships.

Depending on personality types (“Dumas”, “Hugo”, “Balzac”, “Don Quixote”, “Napoleon”, “Yesenin”, “Zhukov”, etc.), relations between people develop in different ways - they vary from comfort before the conflict.

In socionics, concrete images are hidden behind largely conditional symbolic names, a kind of pseudonyms. For example, the Zhukov type has strong managerial and organizational skills. Personalities like "Dumas" are mainly tuned to receive pleasure, perceive the world around them through a sense of comfort, and are able to create it in any conditions. Representatives of the "Hugo" type are naive and frank in expressing their feelings, they tend to influence others - with money, force and the manifestation of power. Such a person as "Balzac" is an intellectual, pragmatist, somewhat arrogant, does not like to obey, but is not inclined to subordinate others to himself, knows how to avoid useless work. People like "Napoleon" know how to manipulate the feelings of other people, they are energetic, have developed willpower, they know how to work with people. Such personalities as "Don Quixote" are romantic, dreamy, able to understand people well, tend to comprehend the essence of things and ideas, to discover, to develop new theories.

Having mastered the "secrets" of socionics, you can avoid many unpleasant conflicts in relationships between people (for example, when choosing a leader or subordinate at work, when choosing a marriage partner, for entertainment and spending time together, etc.)

Author: Kalmykov V.N., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor