Socionic library
articles, books and educational materials

of the International institute of Socionics

Social Management: A Dictionary

The reference dictionary “Social Management” defines the term “socionics” as follows: “Socionics is the science of stable types of human thinking and behavior (sociotypes), human communities, patterns of relationships (energy-informational exchange) between representatives of different sociotypes”

Socionics is the science of stable types of human thinking and behavior (sociotypes), human communities, patterns of relationships (energy-informational exchange) between representatives of different sociotypes.

A new science emerged at the intersection of psychology, sociology, philosophy within the framework of social management. Its forerunner should be considered the Swiss psychologist C.G. Jung (1875–1961), and the direct creator was the Lithuanian researcher A. Augustinavichute, who worked in the early 70-s 20th century.

Socionics allows us to identify the type of a person, predict his relationship with representatives of other types (16 sociotypes in total, formed from different combinations of extroverts and introverts, rationalists and irrationalists, logical, ethical, sensory or intuitive types). To identify types, different tools are used, but mainly observation and testing, in particular, such well-known test methods as MBTI, Buns, semantic differential. In recent years, socionic tools have been increasingly used by Russian companies for recruitment.