Socionic library
articles, books and educational materials

of the International institute of Socionics

Ganna Tsygankova, Alexander Bukalov, Olga Karpenko
Socionic methods of work with the personnel to enhance the quality of products in the food industry

Quality and labor productivity are determined not only by staff qualifications, but also by the degree of coherence of the work of employees, and above all - a team of managers and technologists. Substantial assistance in improving interactions in a collective can have socionics - theory and technology of creating teams and groups.

Socionic technologies, collective, staff, food industry

Methods of forming collectives and their reorganization, developed by the International Institute of Socionics (IIS), are used since 1991. They allow us to estimate staff potential and to suggest ways to improve the efficiency of interaction of staff. Socionics distinguishes personality types and kinds of psychological and informational interactions between them. The degree of informational, business and psychological compatibility of employees depends on intertype relations between them - from the most effective to conflictogenic. Coherence of work is determined by the degree of similarity and resonance strategies of thinking and behavior of employees, depending on their personality types. Some behavioral strategies find a response and understanding, but others are in contradiction and leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. Experience of application of socionic technologies at the brewery "Rogan" (Ukraine), meat-packing plant "Padunskij", poultry plant JSC "Trud" and a number of other enterprises and companies (more than 115) shows that such a diagnostics of collective with its subsequent correction or reorganization improves manageability and work efficiency. Herewith socionic approach offers differentiated forms of staff motivation, which can not be reduced only to the salary increase. Special computer programs allow you to simulate the current state of the collective, as well as to predict the changes in it, depending on the arrival or departure of staff. They have shown its efficiency for 25 years. Application of socionic technologies is particularly effective at rebranding, restructuring of production, new product development, the creation of new units etc.

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